Chat Bots are giant step in transforming CMS to next generation of Digital experiences and engagement - Part 2

Let's Continue where we left off in our previous post. We will start configuring DialogFlow for processing our Intents, Entities and webhook.

3. Configuring and Working with DialogFlow

Steps to Create a New Dialogflow Agent:

  1. A Gmail account to access Dialogflow
  2. To Create app at go to
  3. Click on Sign in With Google and It will ask : "DialogFlow wants to access your Google Account". Click Allow and Accept T&C
  4. Click CREATE AGENT in Left Most Panel of Dialogflow
  5. Give Some Agent Name, like, "ChatBot" and it will create an agent
  6. Create Entities by Clicking Entity:
                 1. Click on Entities in Left Most Panel and Create New entity: "Articles". Check "Define Synonyms" and add synonyms for each entry:
Articles  Articles,Publishes
Latest Updates  Latest Updates
Updates  Updates

Fig 1: Entities Configuration for Drupal Chat Bot

2. Create Another entity: "Drupal-Search" and Add synonyms as:
Search  Search, Find, search
3. Create another Entity: "Drupal-Pages" and Add Synonyms as:
Pages  Pages, Top Rated Pages, Latest Pages, Top Pages

Fig 2: Sample Intent Configuration for Drupal Chat Bot

7. Click on CREATE INTENTS :

1. Give it name (Which will be used later): "WorldPublish" 
2. Click ADD TRAINING PHRASES and add User expressions as: "Top Publishes", "Top Articles", "Latest Publishes", "Published articles", "Latest updates", "Articles", "What are the latest articles?", "Latest Articles".                                     
  • Each Intents will automatically resolved to Parameter value and its corresponding resolved value.
  • In Response Section add: "If you don't see any articles, Please visit Our Website for Latest Updates".
  • Enable Webhook call for this Intent
3. Create another Intent: "Drupal-Pages" and Add User expressions as: "Read Pages", "Top Rated Pages", "Most Read Pages", "Top Pages", "Latest Pages"

  • In Response Section add: "If you don't see any Pages, Please visit Our Website for Latest Updates
  •  Enable Webhook call for this Intent
4. Create another Intent: "Drupal-Search" and add user expressions as: "Search", "search"

  • In Responses Section add: "Sorry! We could not process your query. Please  Try with other Terms Like :  Search [Your Term ex: Pricing]".
  •  Enable Webhook call for this Intent.
8. Click on Fulfillment in Left Most Panel, Enable Webhook and enter the URL as generated in ngrok for ex:

  •  In Case of Localhost:
  • In case of Live URL: https://Live_URL/assist
9. Click Save 

10. 10. Click on Settings Icon beside Agent Name in Left Most Panel. Check on V1 API and get      Client Access token to be Used later.

    One Can Use V2 API as well and has to modify the Response Format in Controller of Module.

     Client Access Token: *************************

4. Basic Module in Drupal8 to Communicate with DialogFlow

One can get the Drupal Module to setup Voice and Text Based Chat Bot that interacts with User at and can also get the code repository at Git Hub:

We need to configure our NLP as Dialogflow properly to meet the Module requirements as mentioned above and in my former post. Once we are done we can proceed with module installation and follow module configuration steps to enable it in our website.

5. Future Scope

No doubt, Chat Bots are another benchmark in User engagement. We can extend it further with complex functionalities to reinforce Business insights. It can have a wide domain of service some of which are:

1. Newsletter Subscribing
2. More Complex and streamlined Search either Voice or Text based
3. Content Recommendations
3. Collecting User interests, Queries, Properties, Feedback to provide a enhanced analysis reports to gain potential business insights
4. Helps to make contents User-Centric and streamlining services regularly based on user hits


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